Once upon a time, there was a curious cat named Bernie. Bernie loved to explore the world around him, and he was always on the lookout for something new to discover. One day, Bernie stumbled upon a tiny mouse who was scurrying along the ground. Bernie was fascinated by the mouse and wanted to learn more about him.
As Bernie watched the mouse, he noticed that the mouse had a modicum of cheese in his mouth. Bernie's eyes widened with excitement. He had never seen such a small piece of cheese before! He approached the mouse and asked him where he had found such a delicious treat.
The mouse explained that he had found the cheese in a nearby kitchen. Bernie was determined to find the kitchen and get his own modicum of cheese. He searched high and low, but he couldn't find the kitchen anywhere.
Just as Bernie was about to give up, he saw a small crack in the wall. He squeezed through the crack and found himself in a large, bustling kitchen. He saw cooks chopping vegetables, frying eggs, and baking bread. And, of course, he saw piles of cheese.
Bernie's eyes widened as he saw the enormous modicums of cheese all around him. He couldn't believe his luck! He filled his belly with cheese to his heart's content, and then scurried back home, happy and satisfied. From that day on, Bernie made sure to explore every nook and cranny in search of another modicum of cheese.