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Definition Xenophobia: noun, intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.


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كراهية الأجانب
विदेशी लोगों को न पसन्द करना


Explore sentences featuring the word "xenophobia" to better understand its usage and meaning.
Xenophobia is a harmful mindset that promotes fear and hatred towards foreigners.
Many countries struggle with the issue of xenophobia, which hinders social integration.
Addressing xenophobia requires education, empathy, and promoting cultural diversity.


Improve your vocabulary by discovering the word "xenophobia" through an engaging story - available in both text and audio formats.
Once upon a time, in a quaint little town, there lived a curious cat named Bernie. Bernie was known for his adventurous spirit and his insatiable curiosity. He would roam the streets, exploring every nook and cranny, and always finding something new to pique his interest. One sunny day, as Bernie strolled along the cobblestone path, he noticed a commotion in the town square. A group of people were gathered, their faces filled with fear and anger. Bernie's whiskers twitched with curiosity as he approached the crowd. He heard whispers of a foreigner who had just arrived in town. The townspeople were afraid of this newcomer, labeling him as an outsider and treating him with suspicion. Bernie, being the open-minded feline that he was, couldn't understand the xenophobia that had gripped the town. Determined to uncover the truth, Bernie decided to investigate. He approached the foreigner, who introduced himself as Felix, with a warm smile. Bernie conversed with Felix, realizing that he was just like any other person, with hopes, dreams, and a desire for acceptance. Bernie couldn't let xenophobia divide the town any longer. He organized a meeting, inviting both the townspeople and Felix, encouraging them to put aside their fears and prejudices. Through his heartfelt words, Bernie conveyed the importance of embracing diversity and celebrating the beauty in differences. As the days passed, the town transformed. The once divided community began to appreciate the richness that Felix had brought with him, not just his foreign culture, but also his kind heart and willingness to connect. Bernie's efforts had not only shattered the walls of xenophobia but had created a vibrant and inclusive town. And so, Bernie the cat, with his unwavering determination, taught the town a valuable lesson about xenophobia, proving that acceptance and understanding can bring about unity and harmony. From that day forward, Bernie's name became synonymous with compassion and enlightenment, reminding everyone that love knows no borders.