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Definition behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others


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Explore sentences featuring the word "supercilious" to better understand its usage and meaning.
The supercilious woman looked down upon everyone around her.
His supercilious attitude made it difficult for others to warm up to him.
She couldn't help but feel a sense of annoyance towards his supercilious remarks.


Improve your vocabulary by discovering the word "supercilious" through an engaging story - available in both text and audio formats.
Once upon a time, in a quaint little village, there lived a cat named Bernie. Bernie was no ordinary cat; he had an air of superiority about him that made him stand out from the rest. He had a sleek, black coat that shimmered in the sunlight, and his emerald-green eyes were filled with a supercilious gaze that seemed to say, "I am the king of this territory." Every morning, Bernie would strut through the village with his head held high, as if he owned the place. The other animals would watch him with a mixture of awe and annoyance. Some found his supercilious attitude amusing, while others couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy. Bernie's favorite spot to display his self-importance was the local park. He would perch himself on the highest branch of a towering oak tree, surveying his kingdom below. From his lofty position, he would observe the squirrels scurrying about, the birds fluttering their wings, and the humans going about their daily routines. One day, while Bernie was in his usual spot, a tiny mouse named Oliver approached him. Oliver had always been intrigued by Bernie's supercilious nature and couldn't resist getting a closer look. Tentatively, he climbed up the tree and sat next to Bernie. "Hello, Bernie," Oliver squeaked. "I've always wondered why you act so supercilious. Is there a reason?" Bernie blinked his green eyes and paused for a moment, then replied, "Oliver, my dear friend, being supercilious is simply a part of who I am. It's my way of reminding everyone, including myself, that we all have unique qualities that make us special." Oliver pondered Bernie's words for a moment, then smiled. "You're right, Bernie. We all have something to offer, whether it's our intelligence, kindness, or even our superciliousness." From that day forward, Bernie's supercilious attitude didn't bother the other animals as much. They understood that it was just a part of his character, and they had come to appreciate him for the special cat that he was. And so, Bernie continued to roam the village with his supercilious air, but now, it was met with a newfound understanding and acceptance from his animal friends. After all, everyone has their own unique way of shining brightly in this world.