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Find answers on frequently asked questions about the app, words, lists and exercises.

About app

What is Evowords?
Evowords is a language-learning app focused on expanding vocabulary. By allowing users to add words in foreign languages and practice them through various exercises, Evowords helps learners effectively develop and retain their newly acquired vocabulary. The app's primary goal is to enhance language skills by concentrating on vocabulary building and retention.
What languages are supported?
Evowords supports around 180 languages for vocabulary building, providing a wide range of options for users to learn. However, for some exercises that utilize the ChatGPT technology, the number of supported languages may be limited to those that are compatible with ChatGPT, which currently supports around 60 languages. As a result, users can enjoy an extensive selection of languages for vocabulary expansion, while some exercises might be restricted to specific languages supported by ChatGPT.
On which platforms is Evowords available?
Evowords is designed to be accessible and convenient for users on various platforms. It offers a rich Progressive Web App (PWA) that can be used directly from your browser, providing a seamless experience without needing to install a separate application. Additionally, Evowords has a dedicated iOS app for Apple device users. An Android version is under development and will be released soon to cater to Android users as well.
Can I use Evowords in my browser?
Yes! Evowords is a Progressive Web App (PWA), which means that you can use it directly from your browser without the need to install a separate application.
Does Evowords support dark mode?
Yes, Evowords supports a dark theme for its interface across all platforms. If your device has dark mode enabled, the app will automatically adapt to this setting, providing you with a comfortable and visually appealing experience using the dark theme, regardless of whether you are using the Progressive Web App, iOS, or the upcoming Android version.
Is Evowords a free app?
Yes, Evowords is currently a completely free app. Users can access all features and learning tools without any cost, making it an accessible and convenient language-learning solution for everyone.
What authentication methods does Evowords support?
Evowords offers multiple authentication methods to ensure a smooth and convenient user experience. You can sign up and log in using your Google or Apple accounts. Alternatively, users can also register with an email address and password, providing flexibility in choosing the preferred method of authentication.
Can I use Evowords for learning with tutor?
Yes, Evowords is an excellent tool for learning with a tutor. To collaborate, you can create a public list for the words you'd like to learn together. Share the link with your tutor, and they can access, add, and edit words in the list. This way, your tutor can help you with vocabulary during lessons, and you can track and practice the new words using various exercises available within Evowords. This feature makes it easy to customize and enhance your learning experience with your tutor.

About words

How are words displayed in the app?
Words added to Evowords are displayed in a table on the main page of the app. The table shows the date the word was added, the foreign language and the word in that language, the native language and the translation of the foreign word, and a management panel with several buttons: word pronunciation, word information, list management, word editor, and word deletion.
Can I listen to the pronunciation of words in Evowords?
Yes, Evowords supports word pronunciation for all words added to the app. You can listen to the pronunciation of words by clicking on the speaker icon in the management panel of the word table.
What information is provided about each word?
The information button in the management panel provides the meaning of the word in both the foreign and native languages, offers synonyms, and displays a few example sentences using the word.
Can I edit the spelling or translation of a word?
Yes, the "Word Editor" button enables you to modify the spelling of the foreign word or its translation. Also you can edit the word by simply clicking on the text you wish to change.
Are there any limitations on the number of words I can add?
No, there are no limitations on the number of words you can add to Evowords. You can add as many words as you want, and the app will store them all for you to access at any time.

About lists

Can I organize words into different lists?
Yes, Evowords offers the ability to organize words into lists. This can be useful for grouping words by theme, such as studying specific terminology. In each list, you can see the number of words and the list's title.
How do I create a new list in Evowords?
To create a new list, click the "Create List" button on the main page of the app. The app will prompt you to enter a title for the list. After entering the title, click the "Create" button.
How can I add a word to a list?
You can add a word to a list in two ways. If the word hasn't been created yet, you can add it directly on the list's page, and it will automatically be included in the list. If the word is already created, use the management buttons next to the word. Click on the "List Management" button and select the lists you want the word to be in.
Can I make a list public?
Yes, you can make a list public by clicking the appropriate checkbox on the list's page. After that, you can share the link to the list. Users who see your list will be able to add and edit words in it. The added words will also appear in your main list of words. This feature can be useful for collaborating with a tutor. The user creates a list, makes it public, and shares the link with the tutor. The tutor can then access the list and add words during lessons.
Can other users edit my public lists?
Yes, when you make a list public and share its link, other users will be able to add and edit words in the list. Any words they add will also be added to your main list of words.
Can I collaborate with a tutor using public lists?
Absolutely! Creating a public list and sharing its link with your tutor allows them to access the list and add words during your lessons. This feature facilitates collaboration and personalized learning.
Can I control who has access to my public lists?
Public lists are accessible to anyone with the link. To share the list with specific people, simply provide them with the link to the list. Keep in mind that anyone with the link will be able to add and edit words in the list.

About exercises

What types of exercises are available in Evowords?
Evowords provides a diverse range of exercises to help you practice and memorize added words effectively. The exercises include Flashcards, Missing Word, Hear & Write, and Pairs. These activities focus on various aspects of language learning, such as word translations, context-based understanding, listening comprehension, and memory reinforcement.
Can I customize the words I want to practice in each exercise?
Yes, you can choose which words to practice in each exercise by filtering them by language, date added, or list. This allows you to tailor your training to your preferences and learning goals.
What is the Flashcards exercise?
Flashcards is an exercise designed to test your knowledge of word translations. The app displays a card with a word in one language, and you must recall its translation before flipping the card to reveal the answer.
What is the Missing Word exercise?
In the Missing Word exercise, users are presented with a sentence in a foreign language with a word missing. You must choose the best-fitting word from the provided options to complete the sentence.
What is the Hear&Write exercise?
The Hear&Write exercise challenges users to listen to a sentence in a foreign language and then write it down. The app evaluates how closely the user's written sentence matches the audio recording, providing a score in percentage form, where 100% represents a perfect match.
What is the Pairs exercise?
In the Pairs exercise, users are presented with a set of face-down cards. Each card has a word in either the foreign or the native language hidden on its reverse side. The goal is to flip two cards and find matching pairs of words in both languages. If the words match, the cards remain face-up. If they don't, the cards flip back over.
Are there any listening exercises in Evowords?
Yes, Evowords offers listening exercises, such as the Hear&Write exercise, where users listen to a sentence in a foreign language and then write it down. The app evaluates how closely the written sentence matches the audio recording.
Are there any writing exercises in Evowords?
Yes, Evowords provides writing exercises, such as the Hear&Write exercise, where users listen to a sentence in a foreign language and then write it down. The app evaluates how closely the written sentence matches the audio recording.
Are there any memory training exercises in Evowords?
Yes, Evowords includes memory training exercises like the Pairs exercise, where users must match pairs of words in both the foreign and native languages by flipping cards and remembering their positions.